Monday, 7 December 2009


I finished the swim on Sunday. Yes, no surprises that I left it to the last day of the challenge to do the last fifty lengths.

France looked a lot like the Virgin Active Health Club Bromley.

Who knew?

Anyway. It is all over now and we can breathe a sigh of relief.

Many thanks again for supporting me, if you supported me. xxx

PS: Sproglet, you can try and visit the link and sponsor me, if you feel that strongly about it. I'm guessing you don't feel ever so strongly, having left it this long? *Jo sobs quietly at lack of a SprogSponsor.* No, not really and I don't know how long the fundraisining page stays open. Plus, I bet you don't have an appropriate payment card and I can't be frigged handling actual sponsor money at this late stage... I know you were supporting me in your heart! x

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Countdown to Calais

So. Week 12! The final week of the challenge. Hoorah. I am so OVER swimming!!

As you might have guessed from previous posts on the topic of swimming and the name of my other blog - 'Better Late Than Never'... Things can get left to the last minute with me. I have generally been a bit behind on this challenge -well pretty much the whole way through. For various reasons, I never quite caught up with the lengths that I missed when I spent a week on a boat instead of a week in the water, back in September (mostly down to too many boozey nights out since then and an incredible ability to talk myself out of going to the pool for the slightest excuse!)

So in true Oglet style, I started this week with 200 lengths still to swim. Oooops. This challenge was meant to be 120 lengths a week on average. So I'd found myself a fair way behind that for the last week.

Panic not. I have turned things around already and France is in sight. I can almost smell the roasted cheval and frites... Mmmmm, nom nom pony steak.

Yes, I swam Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday (today) 50 lengths each and I only have 50 lengths of the challenge left to complete. I plan to go and finish those off on Friday. Watch this space :)

In other news. The pool has been feeling distinctly chilly this week. Today the lifeguard (young zitty one, not the hotty) says to me. "I'm sorry the pool is very cold today, we have trouble with the thermostat. We are doing everything we can to fix it" I said "Yes, it has been chilly all week." Today, things had gone from bad to worse though - they had a hose pumping hot water into the pool and it was only really heating up one corner of my lane. One tiny corner of the whole pool. Seems a bit wasteful, but I daren't even think how much energy it takes for normal pool water maintanence and heating.

I would make a complaint, but I think it adds a pinch of reality to the feeling of "channel swimming". I hope they don't have to close the pool down to fix it and not open it again in time for my final Friday swim. I might have to finish the challenge in a public pool. Oh NO. That will be too close to reality for my liking. Pool Snob? Yes it seems that way. Sorry.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has sponsored me. My latest sponsors were my Mum and Dad. With their generous donation of 50 pounds and if we include GiftAid donations, I've raised nearly 200 quid in total. so that is lovely... Thank you all x

Oh, If you haven't done it yet. You still can. Fank you. No Pressures x